Sunday, January 26, 2020
Relationship With The Media And Tourism
Relationship With The Media And Tourism According to statistics, there are aspects which affect our way of thinking much more than mass media alone. The information and advice we are fed daily from various sources can often be ignored by us, but the mass media influences us all greatly, therefore, it is important for us to define mass media. The term mass media was first used in the 1920s to denote a section of the media aimed at targeting the lager audience using outlets such as nationwide radio networks and mass circulation of newspapers and magazines, though some forms of mass media such as books and manuscripts had already been used successfully for centuries. Mass media includes Internet media such as podcasts, blogs, message boards and video. We now have the kind of exposure that is compares in scale to that which was once restricted only to a certain band of mass media producers. Such audience communication has been considered by various commentators as forming a mass society with special characteristics, in particular, atomization or the lack of social connections this makes it especially open to the influence of modern mass media techniques such as advertising and propaganda. Public media as a term is used much less and is defined as media whose mission is to server or engage a public. Mass media can be used for several purposes, these include: a. Advocacy, in business and social matters. This can include advertising, marketing, propaganda, public relations, and political communication. b. Entertainment, traditionally in the performing of music, acting and sports and more recently during the late 20th century via video and computer games. c. Public service announcements. What makes mass media so attractive? The tourism industry harnesses the mass media which in turn holds a form of mystique to the public. This is because the designed communication appeals to a wider demographic. Advances made in mass media technology aides the marketing and promotion of tourism. If it gets people talking then this is a sign of a good mass marketing drive. If it succeeds then not only does it mean that the advertising drive has worked well, but also that the organisation in charge will benefit by the much valued and sought after word-of-mouth method of advertising. 2) Types of Media It can be possible to divide the types of Media into 3 categories: Print Media, Electronic Media and New-age Media. à ¢-à º Print Media à ¢-ââ¬Å¾ a. Book A book is a collection of sheets of paper, parchment or other material with a piece of text written on them, bound together along one edge within covers. A book is also a literary work or a main division of such a work. b. Magazine A magazine is a periodical publication containing a variety of articles, generally financed by advertising and/or purchase by readers. Magazines are typically published weekly, biweekly, monthly, bimonthly or quarterly, with a date on the cover that is in advance of the date it is actually published. They are often printed in color on coated paper, and are bound with a soft cover. Magazines can be classified as: General interest magazines (e.g. Frontline, India Today, The Week, The Sunday Indian etc) Special interest magazines (womens, sports, business, scuba diving, etc) c. Newspaper A newspaper is a publication containing news and information and advertising, usually printed on low-cost paper called newsprint. It may be general or special interest, most often published daily or weekly. The first printed newspaper was published in 1605, and the form has thrived even in the face of competition from technologies such as radio and television. à ¢-à º Electronic Media à ¢-ââ¬Å¾ a. Broadcast: radio television Television and radio programs are distributed through radio broadcasting over frequency bands that are highly regulated by the Federal Communications Commission. Such regulation includes determination of the width of the bands, range, licencing, types of receivers and transmitters used, and acceptable content. b. Film Film encompasses motion pictures as individual projects, as well as the field in general. The name comes from the photographic film (also called filmstock), historically the primary medium for recording and displaying motion pictures. Many other terms exist motion pictures (or just pictures and picture), the silver screen, photoplays, the cinema, picture shows, flicks and commonly movies. c. Internet The Internet (also known simply as the Net or less precisely as the Web) is a more interactive medium of mass media, and can be briefly described as a network of networks. Specifically, it is the worldwide, publicly accessible network of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). It consists of millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and governmental networks, which together carry various information and services, such as electronic mail, online chat, file transfer, and the interlinked Web pages and other documents of the World Wide Web. à ¢-à º New-age Media à ¢-ââ¬Å¾ a. Blogs (Web Logs) Blogging has become a huge form of media. A blog is a website, usually maintained by an individual, with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse chronological order. Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries. b. RSS feeds RSS is a format for syndicating news and the content of news-like sites, including major news sites like Wired, news-oriented community sites like Slashdot, and personal blogs. It is a family of Web feed formats used to publish frequently updated content such as blog entries, news headlines, and podcasts. c. Podcast A podcast is a series of digital-media files which are distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds for playback on portable media players and computers. The term podcast, like broadcast, can refer either to the series of content itself or to the method by which it is syndicated; the latter is also called podcasting. The host or author of a podcast is often called a podcaster. d. Mobile Mobile phones were introduced in Japan in 1979 but became a mass media only in 1998 when the first downloadable ringing tones were introduced in Finland. Soon most forms of media content were introduced on mobile phones, and today the total value of media consumed on mobile towers over that of internet content, and was worth over 31 billion dollars in 2007 (source Informa). 3) Role of the media in tourism The mass media plays a unique role in modern society. Its growth has accompanies an increase in the magnitude and the complexity of actions and engagements within society. With rapid social change, innovation in technology, an increase in personal income, standard of life and the decline of some traditional forms of control and authority. Although much debated, there is an association between the development of mass media and social change, even after years of study into the influence of the media. Many of the consequences whether beneficial or detrimental which are attributed to the mass media are almost without doubt due to other tendencies within society. Sociologists would rarely deny the significance of mass media and mass communications as a whole, as being a main feature in the construction and circulation of modern social understanding and imagery. The media play a crucial role in putting emerging destinations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia onto the global tourist map, helping to boost the local economies, according to the United Nations Tourism Organisation (UNTO) ( The vast majority of travel is decided upon by people who have never before travelled to that particular destination, and are therefore dependant on media reporting. Should a crisis occur, tourism can be seriously damaged. 4) Relationship with Media and Tourism It can not be ignored that the recent boom in tourism can be attributed to the media. Information is accessed using it and an education regarding the many interesting attractions to be found around the world. The internet is possibly the most popular source of information on destinations and the best way of reaching them. Through the Internet, information and various articles on a destination can be found which will give the traveller an advantage. They will also gain knowledge to determine which places best suit them and offer them the most. Using the internet is fairly easy and cheap to book. With online travel agencies, flights and trips can be booked simply by logging on to a particular website and making a choice from any of the tour packages the agency offers. 2. Effects of media on tourism The internet has for a long time been a key component and aide in the technology of travel. Surveys show that the trend is rising in numbers and indicate that travellers are doing their research and booking more and more of their travel online. Whist traditionally the realm of most major websites who were offering low airline fares with all the accompaniments are now in a position to offer even more. Social media now provides a completely new opportunity for interaction with its potential customers. It has become a global media platform which is at last, companies in all sectors are finding new way to: (, Can Social Media make an impact on Travel and Tourism?) à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ provide a greatly improved customer service à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ respond to customer needs in the marketplace à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ extend their real-world brands beyond current geographic restrictions These same things can occur in the world of travel and tourism! 1) Economy The tourism industry generates substantial economic benefits to host countries and tourists home countries. Particularly in developing countries, one of the first motivations for a region to promote itself as a tourism destination is the improvement made to its economy. Along with other factors, this massive economic development can bring both positive and negative consequences. (, Globalisation and Tourism: Impact of Tourism) à ¢-à ºNegative impact à ¢-ââ¬Å¾ There are numerous hidden costs relating to tourism, these can have a negative effect on the economy of the host community. Wealthy countries are better placed to profit from tourism rather than the poorer ones. In addition, the countries last developed will have the most urgent need for income, employment created by it and a general rise in living standards. These countries are less likely to realise these benefits due to large scale transfer of tourism revenues leaving the host country also the exclusion of local businesses and their products. a. Leakage The direct income for an area is the amount of tourist revenue that remains locally after taxes, profits and salaries are paid outside the area and after imports, these subtracted amounts are called leakage. Generally, in most all-inclusive package tours, around 80% of a travellers expenditure will go to the airline, hotels and other international companies, as opposed to local businesses and workers. In addition to this, significant amount of income actually retained at destination level can leave again through leakage. In Thailand, a study of leakage in tourism showed that an estimated 70% of all money spent by tourists actually left Thailand. There are two main ways that leakage occurs: Import leakage: This mostly occurs when tourists demand certain standards of foods, equipment and other products that the host country cannot supply. On average the import-related leakage for most developing countries to-date is between 40% and 50% of gross tourism earnings for small economies and between 10% and 20% for most advanced and diversified economies. Export leakage: Often, found in poorer developing countries, these are the only destinations that possess the necessary capital needed to invest in the construction of tourism infrastructure and its facilities. An outcome of this is an export leakage which will arise when overseas investors who finance the resorts and hotels take their profits back to country of origin. b. Enclave Tourism Local businesses sometimes see their opportunity to earn income from tourists severely reduced by the creation of all-inclusive holiday packages. When a tourist spends their entire stay at the same resort or cruise ship, which cater for all their needs and where they make all their purchases, there is little or no opportunity for local people to profit from tourism. All-inclusive hotels generate the largest amount of revenue but their impact on the economy is less per dollar of revenue than other forms of accommodation. All-inclusives also import more and employ fewer people per dollar of revenue than other hotels. The cruise ship industry provides another example of economic enclave tourism. In 1999 non-river cruises carried around 8.7 million international passengers. On some ships guests were encouraged to spend most of their time and money on board, more notably in the Caribbean. Guest opportunities to make purchases in certain ports are closely managed and restricted. c. Infrastructure cost Tourism development can cost the local government and local taxpayers a great deal of money. Developers may insist the government improve airports, roads and other infrastructure, along with tax breaks and other financial advantages, which can turn out to very expensive. Though the improvement of a countrys infrastructure can be deemed to be a necessity, when public resources are spent in such a way, it is often at the exposure of critical areas such as health and education. d. Increase in prices A tourist demands for services and goods will often cause price increases that react negatively on local residents whose income may not rise proportionately. Tourism development and the related rise in the demand of real estate may increase considerably along with a dramatic rise in building costs and land values, making basic daily requirements more difficult to attain. e. Economic dependence of the local community on tourism For a healthy economy diversification is a necessity. However, if a country or region becomes increasingly dependant for its economic survival upon one industry, it can put severe strain upon itself and the people involved to perform well. Developing countries, especially those without the ability to explore other resources have welcome tourism as a way to boost their economy. In Gambia, for example, 30% of workers depend directly or indirectly on tourism. Many small island states struggling to develop, percentages can range from 83% in the Maldives to 21% in the Seychelles and 34% in Jamaica. To rely solely on tourism carries a risk to those tourist-dependant economies. Economic recession, the impact of natural disasters such as tropical storms and changing patterns in tourism can all have a devastating effect. f. Seasonal character of jobs Problems that seasonal workers face include: job and income insecurity guarantee of employment difficulties in getting training employment-related medical benefits recognition of their experience working conditions and unsatisfactory and working conditions. à ¢-à º Positive impact à ¢-ââ¬Å¾ a. Foreign exchange earnings Tourism expenditure will help generate income to the host economy which will stimulate the necessary investment for financial growth in various economic sectors. Some countries may accelerate growth by insisting that visitors bring in a certain amount of foreign currency for each day of the duration of their stay. A significant indicator of the role of international tourism is its generation of foreign exchange earnings. In 83% of countries, tourism is one of the leading five export categories this accounts for the main source of foreign exchange earnings for at least 38% of countries. b. Contribution to government revenues Taxes generated by direct contributions on incomes from tourism employment and businesses and direct levies made on tourist e.g. departure tax. Indirect contributions arrive via tax and duties charged on services and goods supplied to tourists. The TWO assumes that tourism and travels direct and indirect, and personal tax contribution globally was more than US$800 billion in 1998 this figure is expected to double by the year 2010. c. Employment generation International tourism and its rapid expansion has significantly increased employment. Eg. Hotel accommodation alone has provided around 11.3 million jobs worldwide during 1995. Tourism is able to create jobs directly via hotels, restaurants, nightclubs, souvenir sales and taxis amongst others, and indirectly via the supply of goods and services required tourist-related outlets and businesses. Tourism supports up to 7% of the global workforce. d. Stimulation of infrastructure investment Tourism can stimulate local government to make much needed infrastructure improvements, better water and sewage systems, roads, electricity, public transport and telephone amenities can all benefit from such investments. This will all invigorate, encourage, and improve the lives of residents and the tourist combined. e. Contribution to local economies The environment relies heavily on the assets of tourism revenues are often used amongst other in the economic value of protected areas. Other revenues are not so easily quantified, as not all of tourists spends is formally logged. Revenue is earned from tourism via informal labour such as street render, guides and drivers. A positive side to informal employment is that monies are generally recycled within the local economy this has a good multiplying effect as it is spend repeatedly over and over again its community. The WTO has estimated that tourism will probably generate an indirect contribution that will be equal to 100% of the direct total of tourism expenditure. 2) Culture There are concerns that the development of tourism could lead to some destinations losing their cultural identity if they cater for the presumed requirements of their tourists, in particular, the international market. This is based on the observations of other destinations having compromised their sense of identity. The experience of tourism can be somewhat different to the things people see and do when in a home environment, this includes the real life experience and lifestyle of the places and the people they may see during their visit. (, The Social Cultural Impacts of Tourism) à ¢-à º Positive impact à ¢-ââ¬Å¾ Tourism is an opportunity for cultural exchange and more, creating an interaction within people of different lifestyles, aspirations and needs. Putting economic benefits aside, experiencing outside contact within various communities draws attention to the host community. People will always want to interact with other cultures and communities in the hope of learning of their traditions or possibly be confronted by new challenges and perspectives on life. It has been said that travel is a means to discover that things unknown or forgotten within ourselves. Tourism is obviously an experience driven industry the more you do it the more you want it. In addition local culture is a unique experience, along with the local personality, food and hospitality. The more one knows and learns about a destination, the more fulfilling the experience will be. Tourism is often used as a tool for raising awareness. The local branding of certain products and achievements can create regional identity, nationally and internationally. The needs and awareness of local issues can be raised by tourism. There is a global trend that aims towards investment in interpretation of natural and cultural resources. The attraction to natural and heritage icons often helps to fund numerous conservation project it also provides opportunities for the management of those sensitive and significant areas. A growing and important number of cultural celebrations have emerged which highlight many important events whilst paying homage to their ancestry. Cultural events can assert their identity which help and preserve local traditions for younger generations they also influence and inform visitors. In Australia main urban areas which tend to be multicultural and have developed their own very unique cultures. Many mostly regional areas are very much influenced by the food and the culture of their founders. Local food, crafts and personalities are always kept alive and kicking purely by tourism whilst raising funds for the greater community. Tourism can often boost the preservations and transmission of cultural and historical traditions. This will often help with conservation and the sustainable management of natural resources, the protection of local heritage, and a revival of indigenous cultures and arts and crafts. à ¢-à ºNegative impact à ¢-ââ¬Å¾ Many impacts are socio-cultural and result in a lack of information, false impressions, poor communication and knowledge and misinformation. Negative perceptions and attitudes towards visitors and tourism in general can affect tourism and communities. Ill feelings towards tourism, delays/obstructions to tourism product development plus lack of council/authority support can prevent tourism from flourishing; perhaps these communities are not yet ready or even prepared for the onslaught of tourism. Problems with the economy or the environment can all too easily, rightly or wrongly, be blamed on tourism. Leaving the channels of communication open and with adequate consultation transparency and involvement at community level at all stages during the planning process can benefit communities in taking ownership of tourism. In some circumstances the word tourist has become a negative term; in fact, many travellers no longer consider themselves as tourists and prefer the term traveller. There is a clear change in attitude of both the traveller and communities to the concept of the visitor. This concept now gives strength to the fact that travellers are merely guests of the community and that their stay in that community is very much a privilege and not a right. 3. Media marketing in tourism industry 1) How Film and TV drama images promote the new destination Greater knowledge of a country can be gained from film and TV. The wildlife, fauna, culture and its people can result in the broadening of minds and general attitudes towards the country. An interest in the nation and its positive image can eventually lead to an actual visit to the country (Iwashita, 2006). Leisure activities such as watching films as well as traveling are ways to escape. Both provide temporary relief from the real world (Carl et al., 2007). Films can induce viewers to travel by the physical properties (scenery and landscape) and their associated theme, storylines, events and actors, shaping the audience feelings, emotion and attitudes towards places. Location and film experiences are enhanced in memories by associating them with the actors, events and setting (Iwashita 2006; Riley Van Doren, 1992). One of the effective strategies to induce film tourists is collaborative campaigns with the film industry (Grihault, 2003). England provides an excellent example of the way in which film and television has boosted the tourism industry. Approximately 28 million visitors visit Britain each year after viewing the country on the screen (Kim et al., 2008). VisitBritain has made various efforts to temp Indian film makers to use UK locations in Bollywood movies, even if locations are used as backdrops for other countries. Movie maps have also been widely used to promote film locations of the destination. Movie maps have been found to be successful as part of film tourism marketing campaigns (Hudson Ritchie, 2006b). They can be used to ease film tourist in identifying various locations where the film has taken place. A movie map has been produced by VisitBritain highlighting more than 200 filmed locations across the UK. These materials have quickly become Visit-Britain most successful printed product. Other marketing strategies have included guided film tours and walks. Such tours have relied heavily on film illustrations enabling the tourist to identify the landscapes and buildings that have been used in the making of the move. There should also be a website dedicated to film tourism that will provide film synopsis, links to film-related websites, the necessary relevant information about travel within the destination including tours, accommodation, food, shopping and the opportunity to learn about film destination, the language, history, religion, lifestyle and leisure. 2) How consumers make a decision on their destination Literature on tourism shows that the image of a destination will influence significantly the tourists choice of destination. Images of destinations play a significant role in influencing tourist decision-making process as the basis for tourists to make choice about where to visit (Gartner 1989; Echtner Ritchie 1991). The more favourable the image of the destination, the greater the likelihood of being selected as a destination choice (Chon 1990; Um 1993). Butler (1990) suggests that films can influence the travel preference of those who expose to the destination attributes and create a favourable destination image through their representation. To influence the choice of destinations, understanding of how decisions are made and which factors can influence them are regarded as the important pieces of information (Woodside Carr, 1988). There are plenty models explaining the tourist decision-making process which include important variables influencing tourist decisions. It has long been recognized that travel stimuli through marketing efforts and previous travel experience have played an important role in influencing destination choice. Non-touristic-directed stimuli such as films can also have strong influences on tourist decision-making (Iwashita, 2003). These stimuli have not yet been included in the tourist decision-making models as important variables. The power of film in portraying a positive destination image to induce tourist arrivals to a place is clearly shown in various research (e.g. Tooke Baker 1996; Iwashita 2006; Kim et al., 2008). Having reviewed the literature, it was found that film-induced tourism is relatively new in tourism research. Research on the impact of film on tourist decision-making is even lacking (Busby Klug 2001; Hudson Ritchie 2006b; Rewtrakunphaiboon 2008). 4. Media on tourism of countries 1) Impact of Film on Visitor Number Film-induced tourism has brought major economic benefits to local communities such as lasting tourist receipts. Film locations can be all-year, all-weather attractions which alleviates problems of seasonality in the tourism industry (Beeton, 2004). Riley et al. (1998) studied 12 films and found that the peak of the interest appear after the release of the film, approximately 50% increase in visitation at least five years later and the image is often retained for a long time. 2) How films and TV drama influence on tourism A further significant benefit of film tourism is the increase in cultural value to the location of the film. Numerous heritage sites have been used as film locations and in many cases have seen their popularity soar as a result, particularly after its release. Such sites acquire specific meaning through its film narration. Without film storylines, a castle or a stately home may not be indistinguishable form others (Busby Klug, 2001). Film locations worldwide now play a major role in deciding which country a tourist will visit. The American soap opera Sex and the City is one of the examples that have become such a big hit not only in the United States but around the world. Hundreds of shops, restaurants and bars that were featured in the film have become significant destinations and an added reason to visit New York. à ¢-à º Specific Film and drama cases à ¢-ââ¬Å¾ a. The Piano, Lord of Ring, etc (New Zealand) New Zealand is one of the latest destinations to benefit from film-induced tourism. The movie, The Piano has provided many positive benefits form tourism within New Zealand. New Zealand was shown in its promotional posters which in turn aided and promoted international tourism advertising. The image of New Zealand has been enhanced further after being the backdrop to all three Lord of the Rings films. The New Zealand tourism website promotes itself as Home of Middle-earth. Amongst other popular films that were shot in New Zealand include The Last Samurai, Whale Rider and Perfect Strangers. Websites that link particular films to their film locations is a very effective promotional tool to induce tourists to the destination (Croy Walker, 2003). This promotion strategy has been used in New Zealand where Tourism New Zealand developed part of its website to specifically promote The Lord of the Rings and other film locations throughout the country. b. TV drama (South Korea) The Korean film named Stairway to Heaven, one of the popular television series in Asia, was shot in many clichà © places but the sentimental location is the merry-go-round at the Lotte World. After the release of the film, the merry-go-round at Lotte World has become the famous attraction among Asian tourists (Aran, 2007). Evidence shows that the emotional attachment that film-induced tourists have with the film is a recreation of the often stunning locations. In Winter Sonata, the evidence is shown and impression scene of two lovers holding hands whilst walking on a log. This famous log has now had to be destroyed and removed from the location due to an overwhelming number of visitors, some attempting to emulate the scene in the film. Film can enhance the destination image and increase the awareness of the host city. Previous research (Kim Richardson, 2003) suggests that those who are exposed to the film have more favourable destination image towards destinations featured through films than those who are not exposed to films. 5. Conclusion This report shows the relationship between the tourism and the media and its actual effect on tourism. It also gives an illuminating perception of film-induced tourism by revealing a lack of research in tourism and requesting further empirical studies into this aspect of tourism. It also shows the advantages to be had from film-induced tourism, opening up many locations to a wider audience and informing the tourism more than traditionally targeted tourism promotional campaigns. The marketing of film tourism has been used successfully in many of the leading film locations in United Kingdom, United States, Korea and New Zeal
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